The UV-KLEENTM series comes with a standard 5-year warranty on most products, except the HWK and PAK series. EP Lighting, Inc (EPL) sole responsibility under this warranty will be to repair or replace, at its discretion and expense, any components in the product that are defective during the normal and proper use of the product. Improper use of the product includes, but is not limited to, incorrect voltage configuration, failure to follow the instructions and operating manuals, removing and/or altering the unit, modifying the unit unless instructed to do so by EPL engineers. Warranty does not apply to normal wear and tear of the product caused by aging, negligence, mishandling, accidents, lack of maintenance, abnormal operation, improper service, improper use, unauthorized professional use, unauthorized repair, shipping handling, fire, floods and any acts of God. All warranty claims will be reviewed carefully by EPL labs before making any final decision. EPL warranty is not an insurance policy.
All returns must be approved by EPL with an approved Return Authorization Form. All returns must be requested within 30 days on receipt of the product. Any return requested outside of 30 days will not be granted. All returns not related to a warranty claim are subject to a 20 percent restocking fee. The returns must be brand new in the box. The shipping changes on the returned products need to be paid by the purchaser. Any custom products built for the customer are NON-returnable.
The bulbs are made in USA-EPA registered Establishment. These instructions may not cover all the details of this product completely inclusive of your particular equipment or installation requirements. Please contact EPL at or +1 844 500 7436 for further assistance.
Disclaimer: EP Lighting, Inc (EPL) uses multiple data points to formulate performance validation statements. The information and recommendations published in or or in this document are based upon the data collected through a wide range of applications across diverse environmental conditions across the world. Since the majority of these environmental conditions vary, EPL cannot offer any guarantee or warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, is made with respect to the information contained hereIn. The product literature, specifications and other information are subject to periodical change without notice. EPL does not hold any liability assumed for any damage resulting from the use of the information contain herein. EPL took extensive care in composing its technical information, however, does not assume any responsibility for any error or omissions. EPL asks all users to strictly follow the safety guidelines mentioned in their literature, along with the local, state and federal safety guidelines in handling electrical and UV products. The use of UV-KLEEN and EPL technologies doesn’t replace the conventional disinfecting methods and it is important to comply with all applicable public health laws and guidelines issued by federal, state, and local governments and health authorities as well as official guidance published by the United States government and its associated Health departments, including but not limited to social distancing, hand hygiene, cough etiquette, and the use of face masks.